International Business Guru with focus is on Corporate Strategy, Multinational Corporations and Globalization
Dr Kjell A. Nordström is the interpreter of the new business world. His dynamic style has made him a highly appreciated speaker, and he has given keynote presentations in over 100 countries. The Global Gurus Top 30 Management ranking put him at number 22 worldwide and among the top 5 in Europe.
He suggests that our time is unique. We are probably at the beginning – not even the middle – of the fastest business model transformation since the 1850s.
Dr Nordström has 25 years’ experience working with multinational companies and has served as an adviser and consultant to several large multinationals around the world. He holds a doctoral degree in International Business from the Stockholm School of Economics. His research and consulting focus on the areas of corporate strategy, multinational corporations and globalization.
Kjell Nordström has published four books and numerous articles on the internationalization process of firms. His book Funky Business (co-authored with Jonas Ridderstråle) sold more than 300,000 copies and has been featured on CNN and CNBC, as well as in numerous magazines and newspapers.
His latest book Urban Express, co-authored with Per Schlingmann, tells a story about a silent revolution, spearheaded by cities and women. The authors see multinational corporations being transformed into multi-urban corporations. They see ‘urban’ becoming the new black with mayors becoming the prime ministers of our era.
Kjell A. Nordström is an extremely sought-after lecturer. He is not your typical business guru – his revolutionary message is delivered in a revolutionary way. He enjoys everything from keynote presentations to leading smaller workshops with senior executives.
Besides public speaking, Kjell A. Nordström is also active as an investor and entrepreneur and runs a prominent Shakespeare theatre.
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" Vi i Partille kommun har sedan flera år ett fint samarbete med Skillspartner. Vi får alltid ett genuint proffsigt och engagerat bemötande. Jag brukar vända mig till Skillspartner och förklara vad vi söker. Därefter får jag flera förslag och vi talar oss fram till ett lyckat event. Min kontaktperson hos Skillspartner är utöver sin yrkeskompetens också en sån där sprudlande och varm person som det är lätt att trivas omkring. Så när hon hör av sig via telefon eller dyker upp på evenemangen som bokats kan man inte bli annat än glad! "
"Jag är väldigt nöjd över samarbetet med Skillspartner. De är lyhörda och kommer alltid med bra förslag på föreläsare utifrån mina önskemål och ramar. Samarbetet är smidigt och de är lätta att nå och kommunicera med. Resultatet är alltid mycket kvalitativa och omtyckta föreläsningar som deltagarna lovordar."